📱Favourite app 📱

Having come across this amazing app I knew I had to share ! The app is called Ecosia, this is the search engine app that allows you to plant trees whilst searching🌳. 80% of the profits that Ecosia makes goes to planting trees around the world ! I have only used this app to search a handful of times and have already helped to plant 33 trees. So here are some screenshots of the app …

This is how the app looks on your home screen, I love the shape and colours very co-ordinated.

Whilst you search you can check how many trees you have helped to plant by pressing the tree and waiting for the tab to open🌲. You will also get a search bar readily available as shown below 👇

I think this app is absolutely superb ! 🌲🌳 I love that I am helping to plant trees whilst learning new information, go to the website and download the app here. 🌳🌲🌿🍁 

Chevion98 xx 

😊Longevity? 😊

Having watched many a programme about Japanese people living longer than many around the world. I decided to try and introduce some parts of their lives into my routine. 

Japanese people on average eat more fruit and vegetables than most in the western world. And I have made it my mission to get at least 5 fruits or vegetables a day. Aswell as doing this I also discovered that many Japanese people especially the elderly and young take part in a daily radio exercise routine. 

I follow two different videos each morning. The Japanese do this routine every morning together which gets them stretching and the blood flowing around their bodies. Exercise and healthy eating are consistently talked about in regards to living longer. 

Seeing the Japanese elderly being nimble and healthy is very inspiring. Many of the elderly even continue working after retirement age becuase they are so fit and healthy. Many of the elderly do more exercise than this quick activity. However having chronic fatigue syndrome I have to be careful about how much activity I do. Therefore I find these gentle exercises a great way to get my blood flowing and keeping my muscles flexible. I simply go onto YouTube and lean my tablet against the living room window. I really enjoy these fun and simple exercises,I hope you do too xx

Here are the two videos I use every morning :

🍇Cranberry creation 🍇

Here is a lovely close up of my post Christmas brunch. Having left over fresh cranberries that needed using I racked my brains. To my surprise I found pancake mix and i had a brain wave ! 

Filling my pancake mix bottle with cashew milk I shook it up. Then heating a non stick pan with a little olive oil I cooked the pancakes. Having cooked the pancakes I decided to chop four bananas and pour those and the punnet of cranberries into the same frying pan. I added cinnamon and xylitol (sugar alternative). With a little olive oil and gentle heat the fruit slowly cooked through. The flavours released and mixed, the bananas sweetness balanced the bitterness of the cranberries. 

This made for a lovely, warming and nutritious brunch on a rainy winter’s day.

🍊5 a day ?🍊

I’m so impressed with myself right now! my new years resolution was/is to get my 5 a day. whilst I have to admit there was a shaky start with the leftover Christmas chocolate, I feel I am getting back on track. 

Yesterday I got 5 a day and today I have managed to put down the chocolate bar and eat an orange whilst watching  Ellen Fisher on YouTube. Giving myself inspiration via watching videos , logging my few successes on my calendar with fruit emoji’s and googling articles showing research about the benefits of getting your 5 a day or more.

I’ve always been health conscious and often find myself googling health benefits of the fruit or vegetable I’m eating. This encourages me to eat these foods because of the multitude of nutrients and antioxidants they contain.

A recent study carried out says “Risk of death by any cause over the course of the study was reduced by 42% for seven or more portions of fruit and veg (up to around 10 portions a day)” 

These photos are some of my healthy meals off my instagram feed: chevion98 I hope you have a healthy and happy week 🍊😃

💡Never ending possibilities💡

via Daily Prompt: Infinite

So, infinite possibilities are everywhere. I find imagination is endless, I can sit for hours with reals and reals of scenarios. I become lost in my own worlds, I even interchange the endings and choose my favorite scenario.

Dreaming through infinite stories made up of memories, processing experiences, blurry colours, impossible occourances. Expanding stories, infinite choices allow me to experience life , birth, death and adventure seemlesly. Blurring the line between reality and fantasy.

Multitasking in my own endless world, freezing out the world.



EEK ! “Girls” Ive been watching the American series for all but a few days and I’m already obsessed! It’s a quirky, realistic comedy with added drama. It’s the sort of series that shows you that being young has its struggles but also it’s adventures.

SEX, there’s a lot of it in this show. It’s raw and honest, there’s no Hollywood glamour about it. There’s something I find very fresh about it. I feel shows like this are important to reveal to the teens of today what sex is really like.

Young women are obviously the main characters along with some guys. The series shows an important side to female empowerment through sex. There’s no shyness around imperfect bodies or interesting personalities. Some of the characters are in relationships where as others are fooling around and having fun. Highlighting that women are no longer an object simply for marrying and giving the housekeeping money to. The young girls in this show have freedom and choice, creating a vast array of story lines.

Writing is Hannah’s thing, it’s a kind of journal hobby that becomes a career path. Her style of writing remenisis with me. The kind of characterfull life story writing that I enjoy doing in my spare time. Watching this show and Hannah’s love for writing encouraged me to write this post. I want to make this page more journalesque, give myself the freedom to just write. The show highlights the struggles of writting as a career and in fact acting too.

Speaking of careers, so many people now a days are struggling to find their place in the world , find their career and path. I feel this show really helps me to feel that I am not the only one having difficulty in this weird child/adult stage. Fnding out who you want to be is hard enough when you have to worry about money and bills and career paths all at the same time ! Then there’s boys, friends,parents, mental health and all the other stuff life has to throw at us.

Jessa the bohemian traveller friend the brave, wise one. She uses her experiences to hide insecurities which I feel is something we can learn from. You can’t bury things you have to deal with them, however her sense of and venture is infectious !

Marnie is the total opposite, described as uptight by the others she is oragansied, career minded and in a long-term relationship.

The last of the friends is Shoshana, the virgin , timid , preppy one. I expect there’s more to her character but I am yet to find out.

What I’m trying to say is that “GIRLS”  is this open, say it how it is programme which comforts me in those times of young person confusion. It’s worth the watch for sure ! I feel like I’ll have watched all the episodes by next week ! Wish me luck whilst I disappear into duvets and chocolate watching this and forgetting to live my life 👌💕

Photo source : http://cdn.idigitaltimes.com/sites/idigitaltimes.com/files/styles/embed/public/2016/01/06/girls-recap-season-4-hbo-lena-dunham.jpg