Societal worth

Everywhere you turn there’s validation to be found in achievements, money, beauty and competition. Surely we are worth more than how we look or the grades we get ? Are we not complex and valuable human beings? Each with our own unique abilities and differences. Don’t I have more self worth than a grade or the size of my jeans? Shouldn’t I be happier ? I live in a society where we stare at screens and judge those who walk by for their differences to us. Do I belong in a society where those who have money are treated with more respect than those struggling ?.

After spending yet another day body checking and equating my self worth and days happiness to how much I weighed or how much fat I could grip off my stomach, I decided to journal and vent, then scroll through youtube. Low and behold a TedX talk about society and eating disorders. It all rang so true. After watching this I realised that I can make a difference in this world, if I can be just one person who rebels against feeling compelled to compare myself to society’s ideals then I can influence others. I can spread happiness and freedom, just like that video did for me. You can too.

I don’t have to partake in consumerism, I don’t have to destroy the planet bit by bit, I don’t have to wear jeans (which I find uncomfortable), I don’t have to join in with judging others, I don’t have to get perfect grades, the house, the car, the office.

I was always told to do a job I love and will be happy in, I was always taught that money is a side effect of doing a job you love. I know that money doesn’t make you happy, but I also know it sure helps make life that bit easier. Therefore I have always strived to do better for myself, to ensure that I will be able to stand on my own two feet. I know what its like to struggle money wise, I cant say its fun and so I don’t want to struggle, but that doesn’t mean I cant do a job I love and makes a difference in this world.

So far on my mission to break out of society’s rules ive grown up not eating meat, ive stopped drinking milk, I have been drinking Aplro for over a year. I avoid and substitute dairy as much as I can. I don’t eat fish, I don’t use face wash containing microbeads, ive asked for vegan Easter eggs, ive asked for ethical birthday presents, ive reduced clothes buying (restricting myself to ethical brands only), I use Dr bronner’s hair wash which is free from sodium laurel sulphate. I sign animal and environmental petitions.

Looking at all that I realise I’m actually making a difference, they all seem so small and insignificant to me, but they are all useful. It all helps. Its not just about rebelling against society, there are parts of society that I love. Its about realising that I have more self worth that what some advert, magazine or social media content says. You do to ! You are worth more than your pay check or best pair of shoes. You shouldn’t feel like you’re nothing without the newest phone, shoes, outfit, makeup, hairstyles, trend. You are unique and have something wonderful to give to this world, use it.

p.s. the links in the paragraph above contain information.

Chevion x


Back to basics

You know when you wake up in such a happy and peaceful mood, but somehow it disappears and you feel frustrated that it didn’t last all day like you had hoped? well that’s me today. So after a couple hours of aimless youtube watching, meditation and cups of camomile tea, I still felt rubbish. Then I looked over at my onesie hanging over my unused exercise bike (thanks chronic fatigue :)) and remembered talking to my mum about the holes in the feet of my onesie, explaining that I didn’t want to throw it away because I love it, its big, comfy, soft and well, its the best excuse to do nothing. ‘Sew a patch on the feet’. Well what a great idea! That way I can keep my onesie without getting cold feet all the time that I wear it.

So I’m now sat cutting off the soles of my onesie drinking yet more camomile tea and listening to rain and native American flute music. I could use the sewing machine but there is something I love about hand sewing, I find it relaxing and soothing (apart from when you prick your finger or mess up the stitching).

I really want to start making an effort to reduce my level of waste. There’s so many products both made from plastic and wrapped in plastic. New studies indicate that the fibers in our clothes could be poisoning our waterways and food chain on a massive scale. Microfibers – tiny threads shed from fabric – have been found in abundance on shorelines where waste water is released. Isn’t it scary and crazy to know that our clothes contain plastic fibres that get washed into the water system via the washing machine, which the fish then eat and people then eat. There’s so many chemicals and pollutants in this world and I want to reduce my impact on the world as much as I can. Fixing this onesie myself is only a small step, but its about that change in attitude. We live in a throw away culture and I want to distance myself from it as much as I can.

So having patched up my pyjamas I feel content that I have achieved something, albeit small. Take a small step every now and then in changing your attitude, for example look through your wardrobe and think ‘ do I really need all of this, can it go to someone who really does need it?’. I have also heard that when going into a clothes shop you should think about whether there is an item of clothing you already have which you are willing to give to charity in order to allow yourself to buy a new one. Personally I want to work my way to a more minimalist lifestyle. For example from now on only buying clothes from ethical companies or that are only made with cotton or bamboo.

I hope this isn’t too boring and that you can take something from this post. Have a great day, peace. Chevion x

📱Favourite app 📱

Having come across this amazing app I knew I had to share ! The app is called Ecosia, this is the search engine app that allows you to plant trees whilst searching🌳. 80% of the profits that Ecosia makes goes to planting trees around the world ! I have only used this app to search a handful of times and have already helped to plant 33 trees. So here are some screenshots of the app …

This is how the app looks on your home screen, I love the shape and colours very co-ordinated.

Whilst you search you can check how many trees you have helped to plant by pressing the tree and waiting for the tab to open🌲. You will also get a search bar readily available as shown below 👇

I think this app is absolutely superb ! 🌲🌳 I love that I am helping to plant trees whilst learning new information, go to the website and download the app here. 🌳🌲🌿🍁 

Chevion98 xx 

😊Longevity? 😊

Having watched many a programme about Japanese people living longer than many around the world. I decided to try and introduce some parts of their lives into my routine. 

Japanese people on average eat more fruit and vegetables than most in the western world. And I have made it my mission to get at least 5 fruits or vegetables a day. Aswell as doing this I also discovered that many Japanese people especially the elderly and young take part in a daily radio exercise routine. 

I follow two different videos each morning. The Japanese do this routine every morning together which gets them stretching and the blood flowing around their bodies. Exercise and healthy eating are consistently talked about in regards to living longer. 

Seeing the Japanese elderly being nimble and healthy is very inspiring. Many of the elderly even continue working after retirement age becuase they are so fit and healthy. Many of the elderly do more exercise than this quick activity. However having chronic fatigue syndrome I have to be careful about how much activity I do. Therefore I find these gentle exercises a great way to get my blood flowing and keeping my muscles flexible. I simply go onto YouTube and lean my tablet against the living room window. I really enjoy these fun and simple exercises,I hope you do too xx

Here are the two videos I use every morning :

🍊5 a day ?🍊

I’m so impressed with myself right now! my new years resolution was/is to get my 5 a day. whilst I have to admit there was a shaky start with the leftover Christmas chocolate, I feel I am getting back on track. 

Yesterday I got 5 a day and today I have managed to put down the chocolate bar and eat an orange whilst watching  Ellen Fisher on YouTube. Giving myself inspiration via watching videos , logging my few successes on my calendar with fruit emoji’s and googling articles showing research about the benefits of getting your 5 a day or more.

I’ve always been health conscious and often find myself googling health benefits of the fruit or vegetable I’m eating. This encourages me to eat these foods because of the multitude of nutrients and antioxidants they contain.

A recent study carried out says “Risk of death by any cause over the course of the study was reduced by 42% for seven or more portions of fruit and veg (up to around 10 portions a day)” 

These photos are some of my healthy meals off my instagram feed: chevion98 I hope you have a healthy and happy week 🍊😃

📓The Great Escape Of Reading📓

As a child in school, I was told I had to read every night. I was not keen on being told what to do and still am not. So, after spending years of despising reading as it felt like a chore I finally came to realise I enjoyed it.

It took one long ferry journey and a Michael Morpurgo book. Reading children’s book was a light and easy introduction back into reading. It showed me the magic of stories, how you can become entangled in their adventures. I have re-discovered reading and fallen in love with it !

You can whisk yourself off to another country, another moment in time. You can learn about amazing things, historical, factual and even mythical. There are so many books out there, something for everyone.

I love reading books with some background facts and information about the time and place it is set. I am currently reading  ‘The Silk Merchants Daughter’  by Dinah  Jefferies- I have not yet finished it, however so far I am wrapped up in the novel. I am given the ability to feel the emotions of the main character through her trials and tribulations. Meanwhile I am simultaneously learning about the French Indochina rule of Vietnam.  I can not put this book down, every moment spare I am reading it, I only this morning wished my train journey was longer so that I had enough time to read! A couple years ago I would of never imagined falling in love with reading.

During times where my brain won’t leave me alone and thoughts are flowing in and out of my brain, reading a book is the only way I can calm my mind and escape another place. Books provide a place of difference, away from the trivialities of everyday life. My suggestion is look at a few books, see what takes your fancy and when you feel you need a quiet minute, pick up a book.


🕯Candle lovin!🕯

Candles are becoming an addiction………I love the sweet citrus smells that leave your room fresh and inviting. Candles are homely, warming and sensual. They remind me of childhood, when lighting a candle was an adult task, they seemed and still do seem so comforting and exciting.

My latest favourites are the natural wax, essential oil, wood wick ones. Knowing that no toxins are coming off them make them that bit more enjoyable. Lemongrass  and geranium, refreshing and reassuring. Beespoke Of Devon candles are my new go-to candle.

One candle light can fill a room with a loving glow. The perfect comforter whatever the season, wherever you go. I’ve already got my Yankee Christmas candles stocked up. Fighting the urge not to light all of my candles (even the Christmas ones) is tough to do. Even a simple tea light in my ceramic tea light house does the trick!

Bath time is the perfect candles time. I always make sure I have at least two large candles and the rest small, after all I need to be able to see! Not only does the water smell divine with all sorts of Lush products but the air is fragrant with a mixture of candle scents. This makes for the ultimate relaxing experience.

Don’t leave candles dusting on the shelf, brush them off, treat yourself. Indulge in the small and simple luxury of fire. Sometimes the simple things really are the best.

Chevion xx